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Page history last edited by Gardener 14 years, 2 months ago

Disinfecting Tools

Disinfecting Tools and Equipment - PSU Dept of Entomology, Woody Ornamental: Insect, Mite, and Disease Management.

Disinfecting Tools, Equipment, Pots, Flats, and Benches - by Gary W. Moorman, PSU Cooperative Extension Dept. of Plant Pathology.

"Your disinfecting solution can contain any of the sanitizing products such as Green-Shield, Physan 20, Triathlon, Zero Tol or chlorine bleach (10% solution). Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions when using any commercially prepared materials. If you are using a 1 to 9 bleach solution, remember that it requires a 30-minute soak in order to be effective. Also - while chlorine bleach is an effective sanitizer, please note that there will be a 50% reduction in strength of a chlorine solution after just two hours. Therefore, you should prepare a new solution each time you plan to sanitize." (Quoted from PSU Dept of Horticulture The Vegetable and Small Fruit Gazette Vol 6 No.1 Jan. 2002)  When using cholrine bleach rinse metal objects to prevent corrosion.


Here are favorite tools of various Master Gardeners in Snyder and Union counties. You'll need to figure out what tools work best for you. This is just to give you an idea of what works best for some of us. There is no implied endorsement of the items or sources mentioned. Buyer beware is always a good policy.  As we learn of more area stores carrying these items we will post them here. Call ahead to be sure the store still carries the item you desire. Some online sources are included.

Safety shields

Note these shields cover around the side of face to help prevent debri from getting in your eyes. The ear pieces are adjustable. Available at most hardware stores.


Soil Scoop

Original one has wooden handle as photographed. It is also now available with a plastic handle. The serrated edges are useful for weeding and transplanting. Online A.M. Leonard. No local source known.



Small trug tub

Made in Spain from 100% recycled polyethylene used in tire manufacture. Measures 11inch height x 14 inch diameter at rim, 6.6 gallons capacity. This trug has flexible sides and is used for weeding, watering, carrying items in the car, and for storing recyclables. There are many types and sizes of trugs on the market. You may desire to feel the handles to be sure your fingers easily fit in the holes and that the trug is flexible and light enough to carry.

Kinsman Company online and at their retail store 4961 River Rd. Point Pleasant, PA

Mud Glove Original

 The style shown covers most of the hand with latex-dipped heavy cotton yet has some area for breathing through the cotton near the wrist area. You may desire to avoid the ones with latex only on the fingertips as your hands will still get wet. Consider buying bright orange gloves so you can readily find them.

Country Farm & Home Gift & Garden Center Mifflinburg  Gardeners' Supply online and VT store.

Foxgloves Grip

Supplex nylon with silicon grip, 50+ UPF rating for sun protection. Although the glove is expensive it provides finer dexterity and longer cuff than in other gardening gloves. The Grip style is preferred because it has larger grips.

Kinsman Company PA store and online and Foxgloves online.


PikStik Pro has  firm, rigid plastic tips which easily grasp even tiny  objects. 32" size shown. Available online and at such stores as Homecare Products 7105 Rte 15, Lewisburg, 570.522.2585.  Wednesdays all customers receive a 10% discount.



Plant label

See Labelling Plants page.



Corona eGrip Weeder forked tip and serrated edge on one side enables easy weeding. Ergonomically designed grip. Available at Lowes and online.




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