
Raised Bed Gardening

Page history last edited by Gardener 14 years, 4 months ago


      Stone                     Untreated Pine                      Untreated Pine

There are many possible systems for making raised beds from simple mounds of soil to complex wood or stone structures on which you may sit. In the photos above the 6 inch square raw pine timbers are log - bolted together to form beds 24 inches high, 11 feet long, by 4 feet wide. The inside soil width is 3 feet to make it easy to reach all areas of the bed for planting and weeding. There is 4 feet between beds to make them wheelbarrow accessible. The height and width of the beds makes it possible to sit on the edges to work the beds. Raised beds improve air and water circulation, increase crop production, avoid soil compaction, and extend the growing season.


Raised Garden Beds Offer Many Advantages - PSU Agricultural Information Services; basics, no photos.


Raised Bed Gardening - Richard Englund, Penn State Master Gardener, Adams County Cooperative Extension; brief, definitions, production, water conservation.


Raised Bed Gardening - OSU, HYG-1641-92; construction tips, soil composition, no photos.


Raised Bed Gardening - OSU Oklahoma Cooperative Ext Service F-6033; benefits, planning, building, gardening, photos.


Treated Lumber

New Pressure Treated Lumber: Things You Really Need to Know - PSU Perry County Cooperative Extension, Farm & Crops Newsletter April 2005.  


Garden Use of Treated Lumber - PSU Agricultural Research and Cooperative Extension, Richard Stehouwer, Assistant Professor of Agronomy, Environmental Soil Issues.

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