

Page history last edited by Gardener 14 years, 6 months ago

Pollinators include such creatures as bats, beetles, birds, butterflies, moths, and wasps. All help pollinate flowers which provide fruits and vegetables for humans as well as wildlife.


In the summer of 2008 Union County Master Gardeners started a pollinator garden in the parking lot behind the Penn State Extension Office in Mifflinburg, map. In spring 2009 Union County Master Gardeners started a pollinator garden at the Public Library of Union County in Lewisburg, map. Both gardens contain plants native to PA.

Penn State program promotes pollinator friendly gardens 3.12.09

PA Native Bee Survey Citizen Scientist Pollinator Monitoring Guide - 2.92 MB; revised for PA by PA Dept of Ag PSU. Photos/text, detailed info on bees and ID.


Honey Bees

Honey Bees - MAAREC Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium


Removing Bees - MAAREC Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium


BeeBook HaagenDazs.pdf - 7.7 MB file so takes a few minutes to load; an activity book which is both entertaining and educational for kids and adults alike, by Haagen-Dazs, 19 p.


Solitary Bees

Solitary Bees - Norfolk Wildlife Trust UK, Garden Wildlife. Excellent photos, detailed info on making and placing houses: 12 - 40 inches from ground, south facing in protected site, secure with garden wire to prevent movement by wind; 3 p. PDF.


How to Raise and Manage Orchard Mason Bees for the Home Garden - NC State NC Cooperative Ext., Dept of Entomology Insect Note; 3 p.


Wild Bees (includes native and naturalized bees)

Bee research shows benefits of native plants, wild bees

Penn State Live, 1.14.10. Researchers in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences have produced a new colorful, informative two-page publication:

Conserving Wild Bees in PA

Featured sections titled "Plants for Pollination," "Planting Cover Crops," "Selecting Plants for Landscaping," "Landscaping With Native Plants," "Importance of Wild Bees to Agriculture," "Ways to Enhance Wild Bee Populations," "Reduce Bee Exposure to Pesticides," "Preserve or Build Nesting Sites" and "Conserve Natural Habitats" -- part of Penn State's new Agroecology in Practice series. Note: some of the plants mentioned are not native to the United States, i.e., buckwheat (Asia) and hairy vetch (Europe).


Farm Management for Native Bees: A Guide for Delaware  In-depth PDF native bee guide for everyone; funded by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service and the DE Dept. of Agriculture.


Native Bee Benefits - Bryn Mawr College & Rutgers University, May 2009, 8 p.  Excellent pictures and characteristics of bees of Eastern US.  Includes crops & native plants foraged.


Pumpkin Pollinator:  Biology and Behavior of the Squash Bee - Ohio State Fact Sheet, 2009, 2 p.


Poster:  Plants and Critters on the Pollination Equation


Pollinators in Natural Areas: A Primer on Habitat Management provides a summary of how land managers can protect and provide habitat for bees, butterflies and other pollinators. This 8-page booklet reviews the potential impacts of fire, grazing, mowing, herbicides, and insecticides. It then provides a series of recommendations for how land managers can adjust their use of these management actions to benefit pollinators.  From the Xerces Society


Understanding Bumblebees: Making a Case for Conserving Native Pollinators by Alex Surcia, Penn State Cooperative Extension Research Assistant, Carlisle. Brief, useful historical and current info.


Gardening for Pollinators 

Master Gardeners throughout the state offer classes on how to attract pollinators to your garden thanks in part from a Haagen Dazs grant. To learn about other Beneficial Organisms and what plants attract them read the Insects page.


Pollinator Friendly Garden - Pennsylvania Pollinator Series -  Autumn 2009. Publications developed by the Penn State Master Gardener program, .pdf downloads, from the MAAREC website: Pollinator Friendly Garden, Gardening for Pollinators, Pollinators and their Threats, Pollinator Food, Animal Pollinated Plants, Manmade Bee Nests, Pollinator Nesting Habitats, Hymenoptera Stings


Delaware Native Plants for Native Bees - funding by DE Dept of Ag and Natural Resources Conservation Service; most plants also native to PA so useful here. In-depth info on herbaceous and woody plant growth needs, pollinators and other beneficial insects attracted to plants, plant photos.


Pollinator Friendly Gardening - PSU Master Gardeners; 2 p. pamphlet listing 10 pollinator plants with growing needs, tips for pollinator friendly landscaping; on Union County Ext. office kiosk.


Planting for Pollinators: it's the bee's knees - Penn State Live by Ginger Pryor re: Penn State Master Gardener Pollinator Friendly Gardening Program, 4.20.09.


Selecting Plants for Pollinators - In-depth PDF regional guide for farmers, land managers, and gardeners; MD, PA, VA, WVA, parts of GA, KY, NC, SC, TN. Funded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and other organizations with oversight by the Pollinator Partnership.


The Xerces Society

Mid-Atlantic Plants for Native Bees Xerces Society Fact Sheet.pdf

Nests for Native Bees Xerces Society Fact Sheet.pdf

Tunnel Nests for Native Bees Construction and Management Xerces Society.pdf


Which Plants are Best:The 26 most attractive Michigan native perennials for attracting

beneficial insects- Michigan State U. Excellent charts and links to indiv. plant fact sheets.


The Great Sunflower Project

Participate in a citizen science project using 'Lemon Queen' annual sunflowers to study bees in North America.


Ecoregional Planting Guides - Just enter your zipcode and download a 24 p. guide to Selecting Plants for Pollinators in your region


Educator Activities

Be a Bee lesson plan.doc 


BeeBook HaagenDazs.pdf - an activity book which is both entertaining and educational for kids and adults alike, by Haagen-Dazs, 19 p., 7.7 MB file.


The Birds & The Bees Challenge - a comprehensive program initiated by Cornell University to engage children in observing birds and bees and add their observations to national databases to aid scientists in conservation concerns.


The Buzz on Native Pollinators - June-July 2009 National Wildlife magazine  http://www.nwf.org/nationalwildlife/article.cfm?issueID=129&articleID=1735


Pollinator Partnership:  http://www.pollinator.org/index.html


ID Guides

Rusty Patched Bumble Bee Pocket Guide Xerces Society.pdf

Yellowbanded Bumble Bee Pocket Guide Xerces Society.pdf

Folding instructions for Xerces Society bumble bee guides.pdf

Penn State program promotes pollinator friendly gardens 3.12.09

PA Native Bee Survey Citizen Scientist Pollinator Monitoring Guide - 2.92 MB; revised for PA by PA Dept of Ag PSU. Photos/text, detailed info on bees and ID.

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