See specific pages: Native Plant Landscaping, TREES, TURF, VEGETABLES.
Cut Flowers - Growing and Using - PSU Solution Source
A Gardener's Calendar for Pest and Nutrient Management - Cornell U, Ecogardening Fact Sheet #13, 1996.
Planting a Cover Crop - PSU Solution Source (5016)
Solution Source - PSU, some links do not work. Categories include: Compost, Flowers, Holiday Plants & Gifts, Horticulture Basics, Houseplants, Lawns, Mulch Materials, Mulch: Wood Chip Mulches, Pesticide Safety, Specialty Gardens, Trees & Shrubs, Weeds - Easy Control. Use Solution Source Index to view specific topics under above categories without direct links.
Pruning Ornamental Plants - PSU, fee for pub. or download from link.
Pruning Ornamental Trees and Shrubs - Purdue U, Landscape Horticulture; includes sketches, tools, when to prune particular plants.
Transplanting Annuals in the Garden - PSU Dept. of Horticulture Fact Sheet
For helpful hints in prose format read two articles in the Green Thumb Corner August 14, 2004 titled Weeding Wisdom and Weeding Wisdom II. Scroll down link to find the articles.
Weeds - Easy Control - PSU Solution Source.
Health Considerations in the Garden - preventative measures.
Companion Planting
See Companion Planting page. No conclusive scientific papers to support the practice.
Blog and Podcast
Gardening in the Keystone State Amusing and informative articles by Tom Butzler, the Penn State Cooperative Extension Horticulture Educator for Central PA, and Tina Clinefelter, a Penn State Master Gardener Volunteer in Clinton County.
Horticultural Happenings Podcast by Tom Butzler. Listen and learn to a variety of topics online or download to your PDA. Enjoy these 5 min. clips. Sometimes Tom has a guest speaker.
Green Thumb Corner Columns - 2003 & 2004 articles by Jeff Mizer (Penn State Extension Educator - Horticulture) and area Master Gardners. Use your Control/F keys to search site. Be sure to avoid using any invasive plants mentioned in these articles.
Read the Invasive Plants page to find out what plants are invasive.
Most Commonly Asked Questions by months - York County Cooperative Extension Garden Hotline, scroll down page to choose months.
Masterful Gardening - newspaper columns by York County Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners, scroll down left column to choose topic.
Directory of Herbs - PSU Dept. of Horticulture. Brief info, some herbs without date. In left column under "Resources" hoover over Herb Directory to select appropriate data base: Herb Use (aromatic, cosmetic, culinary, decorative, dye, medicinal, or ornamental), Plant Family, or Plant Type (annual, biennial, or perennial).
Ornamental Grasses
Ornamental Grasses for Kentucky Landscapes - U of KY Cooperative Extension Service pub. HO-79; selecting, planting, maintenance, glossary.
Specific Plants
Annual Flowers - photos with labels may help you ID your annuals; Plant Doctor.
Perennial Flowers - photos with labels may help you ID your perennials; Plant Doctor.
African Violets
African Violets - U of FL Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, U F/IFAS; care, propagation, pest management.
False Solomon's Seal
Smilacina racemosa
Septoria leaf spot - fungus overwinters on dead stem and leaves, removal of plant tops from plant in autumn should reduce the amount of fungus for next spring. Fungicides are available that could be sprayed on the plant as new growth appears. Info provided by PSU Plant Disease Clinic when plant sample submitted.
Peonies (5279) - Solution source, PSU.
Hydrangea Diseases - PSU Dept of Plant Pathology Plant Disease Fact Sheet, found under Floral and Foliage Plants, Hydrangea.
See Shrubs.
See Shrubs.
Taro/elephant ear
Colocasia esculenta - USDA/NRCS plant guide, Michigan State U. Ext, ornamental plants
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