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Gardening Blogs and Newsletters

Page history last edited by Gardener 14 years, 2 months ago

For your listening, reading, and viewing pleasure.....


Penn State Master Gardeners Blog

Informative and entertaining articles by Penn State Master Gardeners and staff.

The Garden Professors

University professors from across the country with expertise in the science behind various aspects of urban horticulture, arboriculture, gardening, and landscaping. Every weekday one of them posts a commentary on something they feel passionately about - and sometimes it's controversial. Follow their debates, and leave your own comments as well! Professors are from Washington State University Extension, Michigan State U., U. of Minnesota Extension Sevice, and Virginia Tech. 



Home Gardening Quarterly

Penn State MGs Schuylkill County


Vegetable & Small Fruit Gazette

PSU Department of Horticulture Vegetable program.



Three Minute Gardener

Collection of videos sponsored by PSU Dept. of Horticulture, PBS, and NPR.

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